Consumer Opinions on Alternatives to Plastic Packaging 

Posted by AMC Global on Mar 25, 2021 1:00:00 AM

Consumers are trying to reduce plastic usage and are open to packaging alternatives

In the 27th wave of our ongoing study with OpinionRoute, respondents say they are trying to reduce their consumption of plastics—mostly by using their own bags when shopping and limiting single use plastic bottle purchases. They are looking for alternatives to plastics that are recyclable, reasonably priced and reusable. And there is an expectation that brands and packaging companies should share the expense of providing alternatives to plastic packaging. 

You can see a full graphical representation of the study by clicking the callout below.

AMC Plastics

Key findings: 

  • Seventy-three percent of Americans are personally trying to reduce purchase and use of products sold in plastic packaging.

  • For alternatives to plastic packaging, consumers report that they are very/extremely likely to purchase plastic bottles made from recycled plastic (75%); paper packaging with no plastic (73%); and paper boxes containing detergent cleaning pods for laundry or dishwasher (68%).

  • The most important characteristics of plastic packaging alternatives reported are recyclability (70%), reasonable price (55%), and reusability (53%).

  • Most respondents believe the brand (56%) and the packaging companies (45%) should pay the added costs of plastic packaging alternatives.

A complete graphic representation of packaging alternatives and opinions about plastics can be found here. Want to learn more about consumer opinions about topics that affect your brand? Reach out to AMC Global.