What Consumers Expect Regarding Corporate ESG Initiatives

Posted by AMC Global on Oct 20, 2022 4:44:06 PM

Our ongoing consumer behavior study shows how corporate ESG initiative implementation and communication impact consumers 

AMC Global and OpinionRoute, a leader in insights process management, look at consumer expectations regarding corporate ESG “Environmental, Social and Governance” initiatives in the latest wave of their ongoing consumer behavior study. Many study participants share that Social initiatives should be prioritized by companies through funding and involvement, including initiatives like programs for hunger/food insecurity and focus on local community impact issues. 


The study also looked at how consumers want to hear about ESG initiatives. Participants feel company websites should share information and communication about the Governance area of ESG initiatives. They feel leveraging the press and interviews are most appropriate for communicating about Social and Environmental initiatives.


To view a full graphical representation of the study, click here or on the callout below.


Key findings from the latest study:


  • Consumers’ top Environmental initiatives for corporate financial/involvement support are: preventing and repairing deforestation (49%), making changes to preserve air and water quality (45%), and preventing or limiting natural resource depletion (40%).

  • Consumers’ top Social initiatives for corporate financial/involvement support are: supporting programs for hunger and food insecurity (60%), having a positive impact on local communities (56%), and supporting projects that help poor/underserved communities locally and globally (53%).

  • Consumers’ top Governance initiatives for corporate financial/involvement support are: prevention, elimination and punishment regarding corporate corruption and bribery (31%), protecting personal data (31%), and employing industry best practices (31%).

  • Consumers want to hear about corporations “Made in America” initiatives from both the company website (51%) and via the press and interviews (38%). 


A complete representation of the “How to Address Corporate ESG Initiatives” can be found here. The graphical representation also shares more information on how consumers want to hear from corporations on ESG initiatives. Data was collected last month from n=1,004 U.S. general population consumers over age 21. 


Want to learn more? Reach out to AMC Global.