Drivers of alcohol consumption and shifts in choices during COVID-19

Posted by AMC Global on May 7, 2020 11:50:50 AM

The second part of the sixth wave of our ongoing weekly study by AMC Global and OpinionRoute was released today. This week’s research focused on consumer drivers of alcohol consumption and shifts in choices during COVID-19. (We also looked at projected timing for consumers to frequent various venues after restrictions are lifted, see more here). To find out more about alcohol, we asked consumers how has frequency of drinking alcoholic beverages changed, if at all, during the COVID-19 pandemic. We also asked them what factors they take into consideration when choosing which alcoholic beverages to drink right now.

Check out the full graphic of the data by  clicking the callout below.



Key findings for the week of May 4:

  • Fifty-nine percent of consumers cite availability as their top driver for choice of which alcoholic beverages to drink during restrictions. With 33% choosing based on what’s available on hand, 32% what’s available in-store, and 9% what’s available for home delivery.
  • Thirty percent of consumers say their consumption of beer has increased during stay-at-home orders, with 20% saying beer consumption has decreased. Meanwhile, reported wine consumption has increased as much as decreased (22% increased, 20% decreased). 
A complete representation of the alcohol-related data can be found here. New results and findings will be released on May 14. The study findings are designed to help clients and industry leaders navigate quickly changing consumer behavior during the crisis. You need to keep up with shifting consumer behavior during COVID-19, we can help. To learn more, contact us.